Here is part of the Mystery of Christmas.
When the
Apostle Paul marveled over the mystery of godliness in 1 Timothy 3:15-16, one of the things that he included was that Jesus — the Almighty God who was revealed in the flesh, and confirmed by the Spirit of God to be God’s Promised One — was “seen of angels.”
Seen of Angels
1 Timothy 3:16
Angels have seen Him, the Eternal Son
Yes, there before humankind had begun
Oh, how they marveled at their Matchless Lord
Watching Him: studied the Eternal Word
They saw the King as He lay on the hay
Daylight’s Creator enjoying the day
Promise of ages, with hope to refresh
Almighty God, there revealed in the flesh
One had told Joseph: this blessing for men
Jesus had come to save people from sin
They told the shepherds the glory they saw
Praising their Lord and rejoicing with awe
Think how they worshipped the dear woman’s Seed
Watching His mother take care of His needs
God in the Highest, yet humble and meek
They saw the Mighty God, hungry and weak
They saw Him fasting! The great Bread of life!
Prince of Peace taunted by anger and strife:
Angels saw men as they tortured with rage
Jesus was paying our blackest sin’s wage
They saw the Blessed One taking our curse
They heard the slander the liars rehearsed
They saw the Lord of life, dying for us
Writhing in agony and deep distress
They saw the Lord of life, lifeless in gloom
Angels saw Him rising up from the tomb!
They saw Him risen, appearing to men
Angels saw Him rise to heaven again
(And what do they see Jesus doing today?)
Now angels see Him at work in this world
Helping us through fiery darts that are hurled
This is the church of the great Living God
Preaching salvation to nations abroad
Angels see Gentiles who come to the Light
Angels see those who were crooked made right
Christmas? Oh, think of what angels have seen
More, yes, much more than nativity scenes
- Gordon Dickson 12/11/14