The Holy Spirit, Like A Dove

The Holy Spirit, Like A Dove

Why did the Holy Spirit choose the dove to illustrate His ministry? In the Scriptures, there are three prominent illustrations of the Holy Spirit. He is like a dove; He is like the wind (John 3:8, Acts 2:2-4); He is like oil (especially in anointing, 1 Samuel 16:13,...

A Spirit-Filled Family, part 1

Ephesians 5:22-33 Let’s face it:  so many homes are filled with heartache. In 2019 in this country there were more than 2 million marriage ceremonies. But there were more than 746,000 divorces. These sterile statistics don’t begin to convey the hours of pain and...

The Liberty of the Spirit

Ephesians 5:17-21 Have you ever wondered how you could be full of wisdom when the world is full of folly? It just never seems to end, does it? Two days ago, a foolhardy group of artists posed as construction workers in order to hang a giant banner on a statue of...

7 Rules for Communication

Ephesians 4:20-32 How Christians Can Communicate According to[i], some volcanoes are 1,000 times more powerful than other volcanoes. According to scientists, the last super eruption occurred thousands of years ago at Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Over the last...

Facing Distress: Finding Success

Genesis 41:51-52 There were no passengers aboard as Henry Dempsey and his co-pilot, Paul Boucher, flew the Eastern Express Airlines Beechcraft 99 from Lewiston, Maine, headed for Boston.[i] But as they were flying along at 4,000 feet, the pilot heard an unusual...