Have you heard of any good medicines? Some recent advertisements have touted treatments that are supposed to be good for you. But after you hear the long list of bad side effects, you begin to wonder if the cure is worse than the condition! So it is with many...
Are you feeling stressed? These are difficult days. You find yourself going through times of stress (interrupted by distress). As a believer, what should you do? Turn away from your distractions for a few moments to consider the relief offered to you in Psalm 4:1 Hear...
Acts 11 How would you respond if you knew that a disaster would happen soon? Or just for the sake of discussion, let’s say you could be certain that a disaster would occur within eighteen months. What would you do? How would we prepare? What if you did not have all...
Come Ye Joyfully A Christmas Carol https://www.cbcfindlay.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Come-Ye-Joyfully.m4a Verse 1Come ye joyfully and come triumphantly O Come, O Come to Bethlehem!Here they had no room for Him, He who saves us from our sin. Alleluia! Praise Him,...
Glory to Glory A Hymn based on 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:6 https://www.cbcfindlay.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Glory-to-Glory.m4a Verse 1 Glory to glory, our wonderful story that we who were sinners were by sin deformed; Glory to glory, our glorious story that now by His...